Nils Bruun


Folded Paper Designs


Artist’s statement


The easiest way to create a paper sculpture is by crumbling a sheet of paper. I am simply crumbling that sheet in a thought out and controlled way.  My paper folding as it has evolved is primarily sculptural and firmly rooted in geometry. I employ simple forms such as squares, triangles, hexagons and fit them together. Then in the folding process they separate and turn, so the shapes no longer look like the tiles on your bathroom floor. Not only do the forms rotate and separate, they seem to leave the page. At one point in the process the center of the paper may rise off the table as much as 12 to 18 inches before it is brought back down to nearly flat.  Each piece has two different sides one with dancing geometrical forms and the reverse appears as a weaving.

The end product is still one sheet of paper that has as many as four layers and no cuts. I try to create a pleasing rhythm that will emphasize the texture, light and shadow. When the paper is translucent, these layers become more obvious.

Please bear with me the web site is under development and is updated regularly.

The designs are shown with out framing,

Click on an image for a larger view

The paper used for the following is archival machine made paper:

Squares # 2-8 Arches Text Laid 25" X 36"

Squares # 3 Arches Text Laid 25" X 36"

Squares # 12 Arches Text Laid 29" X 40"

Squares # 5 Arches Text Laid 24" X 34"

Triangles # 2 Arches Text Laid 25" X 40"

Weave # 5 Arches Text Laid 24" X 34"

Squares # 2-8 Arches Text Laid 25" X 35"

Squares # 4 Arches Text Laid 26" X 35"

Star # 5 Arches Text Laid 26" X 27"

Squares # 6B Arches Text Laid 22" X 27"

Squares # 6A Arches Text Laid 26" X 36"

Squares # 6 (Sam's) Arches Text Laid 26" X 32"

Squares # 4 Arches Text Laid 26" X 35"

Weave # 3 Arches Text Laid 25" X 36"

Star 6C Arches Text Laid 12" X 12"

Squares #2-7 Arches Text Laid 27" X 38"

Weave 2-7 Arches Text Laid 27" X 38"

Squares 2-8 Arches Text Laid 25" X 36"

Fold 23 Arches Text Laid 26" X 30"

Sam's Weave Arches Text Laid 24" X 32"


The following pieces are made with hand made Japanese paper:


Squares 2-7J Dyed Uda15" X 19"

Squares 4J Dyed Uda 13" X 17"

Fold 21 Dyed Uda 14" X 19"

Squares # 24 Dyed Uda 15" X 19"

Squares #34 Dyed Uda 16" X 21"

Fold 25 Dyed Uda 12" X 20"

Diamonds # 32 Gampi-shi 21" X 25"

Diamonds #36 Gampi-shi 23" X 23 "

Squares # 37 Gampi-shi 27" X 21"

Fold # 38 Gampi-shi 24" X 22"


To contact the artist send email to